Category Archives: Community Events

Gujarati Christian Community Picnic and Cricket Tournament 2019.

Gujarati Christian Community Picnic and Cricket Tournament 2019.


We are pleased and honored to invite you and your team players ( US and Canada Only) to participate in the: Gujarati Christian Community Picnic and Christian Cricket League.
We hope that we enjoy our time together with all the other members of the Gujarati Christian Family of North America.
We are looking forward to receiving your confirmation of participation for this event no later than June 30th 2019.
Click here to to sign up for this event.
Your participation and commitment will make this event a successful one.
“Unity is strength… when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.”
Date :  August 24,2019 –  Saturday
Time : 9:00 am
Place : Roosevelt Park Edison NJ – Grove 2A
Thank you

Please contact for further information.



Mothers day – Baptism to welcome Damien to Church and Farewell Sr. Ruth

Mothers day – Baptism to welcome Damien to Church and Farewell Sr. Ruth.

“Ultimate Sacrifice would produce the Ultimate Reward”
During the Holy Week We just experienced again the ultimate sacrifice and ultimate reward of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Motherhood is an ultimate desire/dream of the most women and that choice also brings the ultimate sacrifice and ultimate reward. But some woman join the religious life and becomes mother of the society they serve.
On this auspicious day when we are celebrating “Mother’s Day” the most new mom from our community Angelina and Robinson are inviting all members of GCSofUSA to attend a baptism ceremony for their precious gift of God Damien.
45 Wilus Way, Iselin, NJ 08830
Time: 11:00-12:00PM regular Sunday Mass
Baptism after Mass:  12PM – 12:30PM
After the baptism ceremony we will go to the Church of the Sacred heart for lunch.
Place: Church of the Sacred Heart
Holy Savior Academy Gym & Cafeteria
149 South Plainfield Ave., South Plainfield, NJ 07080
Time: 12:45- 01:45PM (Lunch sponsored by Angelina & Robinson)
After lunch we will have a farewell program for Sr. Ruth Bolarte as she will be leaving the Diocese of Metuchen by the end of June 2019. She has helped and loved our community as mother loves her children.  
Sr. Ruth Bolarte, IHM:
A native of Peru who came to the U.S. to pursue a vocation to religious life in 1988. She holds a Doctorate of Ministry with a concentration on Adult Spiritual Formation and Pastoral Ministry from the Catholic University of America. She also holds and Masters on Religious Studies from St. Charles Seminary. She studied Greek and Hebrew at the Gregorian University in Rome, Italy. Ruth was the Director of the Catholic Institute for Evangelization for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia for more than six years. She is now the Director of the Office of Multi-Cultural Ministry at the Diocese of Metuchen, NJ.
As director of the Office for Multi-Cultural Ministries, Sister Ruth supports the different coordinators of the ethnic apostolates within the diocese — African-American, Chinese, Filipino, Indian, Korean, Portuguese and Vietnamese etc. She worked and helped all different communities in Metuchen Diocese
She has been a big supporter and guide to our Gujarati Catholic Samaj of USA. She helped us to organize Gujarati Mass in different church in different parishes of the Metuchen Diocese. She helped us to find nice suitable halls in different parishes for our Christmas celebrations. Over and above she has always participated in all our events from her busy schedule. She has blessed us with her visit to some of our member’s homes and shared our food on dining table with our guest priests from Gujarat.
There will be a big void after she is gone by the end of June 2019 to serve different Diocese with different responsibilities. We wish her all the best in her future assignment and pray that Almighty God guides her thorough out her life and serve the people of God.

Please come and join us for the Mass to be offered for the victims of Sri Lanka.

Please note the Diocese of Metuchen will be collecting funds during or after the mass to help and support the church and victims in Sri Lanka. Please find below the details:
Checks can be made to : Diocese of Metuchen
Please make sure to write in the Memo description on the check:  Sri Lankan Apostolate – Cultural Diversity
Checks can be mailed to:
Diocese of Metuchen
C/0 Office of Cultural Diversity
146 Metlars Lane
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Please come and join us for the Mass to be offered for the victims of the terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka. The mass is scheduled at 3:00 PM on Sunday of The Divine Mercy – April 28, 2019.  

Place: The Shrine of Saint Joseph, 1050 Ling Hill Road, Stirling, NJ 07980
The Feast of Divine Mercy is celebrated on the Sunday after Easter. The Catholic Church has been celebrating this feast ever since the Vatican had made it official on April 30th in the Jubilee year 2000.
It is the promise that Jesus Himself made for a complete forgiveness of all sins and punishment on that day, even to the most terrible sinner imaginable.  God in His great mercy is giving mankind a last chance for salvation.


Dear Friends,
The MCA-EC and the  Goan Association of New Jersey are organizing a Lenten Retreat at Our Lady of Peace Church, North Brunswick, New Jersey.
Detailed Schedule:
Day & Date: Saturday, April 06, 2019
Place: Our Lady of Peace Church
1740 US-130, North Brunswick, NJ 08902 
11 am  to 11.30 – Welcome with Tea and snacks
11.30 to 11.45 – Praise & Worship.
11.45 to 12.00 – Prayer of deliverance by Deacon Francis.
12 to 1.00 pm Talk
1 to 1.45 Break for lunch
1.45 to 2.45 – Talk
2.45 to 3.00  – Tea break
3.00 to 4.00 – Talk.
4 -5 pm-Interactions with Dr. Jayanand (Personal Healings )
Parish Mass in the church is at 5:30 pm.
Please refer to attached  flyers for further details.
All are welcome to attend, please share this with your family, friends and relatives.
FREE : Breakfast, Lunch and evening coffee/tea/snacks.

GCSofUSA organized a group prayer meeting online through Facebook messenger – March 30, 2019.

GCSofUSA organized a group prayer meeting online through Facebook messenger – March 30, 2019.

GCSofUSA organized a group prayer meeting online through Facebook messenger – March 30, 2019. It was an innovative and unique attempt to organize the prayer meetings. GCSofUSA has been organizing The Stations of The Cross prayer meetings on Saturday night since its inception during every lent season. We get together at different home of one of the member of GCSofUSA. For some reason there was no family was able to host on the Saturday, March 30 2019. We were disappointed but God gave us an idea and on Friday night we discussed and decided to have an online meeting. We made an announcement on next day Saturday, March 30, 2019 around 12:25PM. We are pleased that we got an overwhelming response and we had 17 adults and two children participated from beginning to end and joined by 4 adults and two children later. Above all we had pregnant Angelina Rathod along with her to be born child who is ready to arrive to this world any day now. We used the social media in a positive manner and benefited from it.  
Thanks to be God and thanks to all participants. May God bless us all! Praise the Lord.  
Please find below the invitation of the event and some pictures of the event and a small video ending our prayer meeting with the traditional evening prayers.  
Stations of the Cross – ક્રુસના માર્ગની ચોથી ભક્તિ – 2019. Live online through Facebook messenger.
Social media has completely transformed a range of our life experiences. People are becoming so addicted to social media that they are spending most of their time on it instead of doing any productive or significant work. Lots of people now prefer online conversations rather than meeting in person, which is weakening their relationships. Social media can give you fantastic returns if you use it positively, on the other hand, you can waste a big chunk of your time on social media if you are doing it just to pass the time.
But at the same time many people truly believe that social media has the power to make the world a better place. 98% of nonprofit organizations have a Facebook presence, and 72% are establishing themselves on Twitter (source). Whether you’re a nonprofit or a for-profit organization, you can successfully use social media for awareness of your cause, fundraising, community growth, engagement, and more.
We the Gujarati Catholic Samaj of USA are using the social media-bringing community together. We have decided to use social media to conduct the Stations of the Cross prayer meeting on Facebook messenger group video chat.
Once you get the Facebook event notification select “Going” if interested by 8PM. We will create a Facebook messenger group for this purpose only. This group will be dissolved once the prayer service is over so no one can use it for any other messages or purpose.
Please use your laptop or PC to join so all your family member can join us together. Keep in mind that you may not be able to connect if your phones aren’t connected to the Internet.
Note: Placing calls through the Messenger app may use your existing data plan. Please contact your mobile operator if you have questions about data charges for calling. Sharp 9PM we will start our prayer service.
Day and Date: Saturday, March 30, 2019
The invite will be sent at 8:45 to those who wanted to participate and who has a Facebook account.
8:45-9:00PM – some instructions and chitchat. Those who join after 9PM requested to please join us quietly. Please do not send any messages in this group during the prayer service.
Thank you
Gujarati Catholic Samaj of USA