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Fr. Jagdish Parmar is appointed as National Director of PWPN & EYM of India.


On the recommendation of Fr George Pattery SJ, President of the Conference of Jesuit Provincials in South Asia, and with the approval of His Eminence Moran Mor Baselios Cardinal Cleemis, the President of the Bishop’s Conference, P. Frederic Fornos, SJ, the International Director of Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network and Eucharistic Youth Movement, has appointed Fr Jagdish Parmar SJ, as National Director of Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer) and of the Eucharistic Youth Movement in INDIA.
Congratulations Fr. Jagdish Parmar and wish you all the best. Fr. Jagdish is from Maninagar, Ahmedabad. He will be leaving his Pastoral Ministry after 34 years and will take up this new responsibility. He will move from Darjeeling Province to Curia, Matigara. He will resume his duty from Friday, January 12, 2018.
Please click on the image to read the whole issue
Please click on the image to read the whole issue



“Fr. Azpitarte Silver Medal awarded to Mr. Paul Macwan (Canada) for contributing to ‘Doot’ as the best writer for the year 2015”.

Congratulations to Mr. Paul Macwan from Canada for being awarded the ‘Fr. Aspitarte Silver Medal’ by Doot on 26th November, 2017 for his contribution to Doot in the year 2015. The inscription on the award reads as:
“Fr. Azpitarte Silver Medal awarded to Mr. Paul Macwan (Canada) for contributing to ‘Doot’ as the best writer for the year 2015”.
Though he was unable to go to India to receive the award, the award was accepted on his behalf by his sister Sr. Agnes (St. Anne’s) during the ceremony on 26th November 2017.
Few pictures from the ceremony:

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