Category Archives: Community Events

The Church of North India invites for their Golden Jubilee celebration.

The church of North India was formed through uniting six different denominations, including the Anglican Church, the Brethren Church, the Church of the Disciples of Christ, the Baptist Church and the Presbyterian Church. The General Secretary said that the Church of North India today was an ecumenical expression of how they are still working together as one. God has blessed and led this Church while it celebrated its unity, witness and service through all these years.


Silver Jubilee celebration of Priestly Ordination of Fr. Mari Joseph organized by GCSofUSA on October 12, 2019.

Silver Jubilee celebration of Priestly Ordination of Fr. Mari Joseph celebrated by Gujarati Catholic Samaj of USA on October 12, 2019.

Ten diocesan priests celebrated together the Silver Jubilee of their Priestly Ordination (1994–2019): Frs. Arulanandam Alankaram, Alex Clement and Savariraj Savrimuthu, from the archdiocese of Gandhinagar and Frs. Francis Kulandai, Lawrence Aruldoss, Lukas S., Maria Joseph, Peter Lopes, Xavier Amalanathan and Varuvel Gnanadhas from the diocese of Ahmedabad. As the ordination batch of 1994, they decided to have a common celebration of their Silver Jubilee on 27th January 2019 at Our Lady of Forsaken Shrine (Anathoni Mata Thirthadham), Khambholaj.

Fr. Mari Joseph has been visiting USA since 2009 and he has always spend few days with us and celebrated a mass for us. He was planning a visit to Lourdes to provide his services and then he included Canada and USA to his Itinerary. Fr. Salvador D’Britto also accompanied him to Canada and USA. He informed us that he will be with us for 3/5 days in New Jersey. So we decided to celebrate first ever 25th anniversary of a priest of our mother diocese Ahmedabad.
Mr. Ketan Christian arranged a church and a cafeteria hall for our celebration. On October 12, 2019 at 6:30 around 75 members of the Gujarati Catholic Samaj of USA gathered at The Church of the Sacred Heart, South Plainfield for a celebration of Eucharist. Fr. Mari Joseph was the main celebrant and Fr. Salvador D’Britto and Fr. Pervaiz Indrias, the parochial Vicar of The Church of The Sacred Heart, South Plainfield. On this auspicious occasion, Fr. Salvador D’Britto preached a meaningful and enriching homily. He explained that this type of celebration are not to glorify the priest or nun but God and only God.

At the end of the Eucharistic celebration all were asked to go to nearby school cafeteria for a dinner and felicitation program. The hall was nicely decorated with the a banner of Gujarati Catholic Samaj of USA and a special banner made for the 25th anniversary of priesthood ordination of Fr. Mari Joseph. People enjoyed the food and settled down. The program was started with welcome of Fr. Mari Joseph, Fr. Salvador D’Britto, Fr. Pervaiz Indrias, Mr. Shantilal Parmar, President of GCSofUSA, Mr. Joseph Parmar the founder and first president of GCSofUSA and a well-known preacher and bible study organizer Mr. Vinubhai Macwan from Vadodara. They all were greeted with a flower bouquet.

Fr. Mari Joseph was presented with a plaque of appreciation – “Fr. Mari Joseph Arogyapaa, Rejoice in your accomplishments! God is surely smiling on you today as you celebrate 25 years in service to our Lord! May God Bless you to continue His work in serving His people. Thank you for being part of our Community.” He was also gifted a wrist watch with his name and ordination date imprinted on it.

A nice decorative cake was cut by Fr. Mari Joseph with huge round of applause and cheers. He was very much pleased and appreciated the effort by GCSofUSA. He thanked everyone and assure all that he will cherish this moment throughout his life and will pray for all of the members of GCSofUSA. Fr. Salvador also thanked everyone and gave his blessings.

The program ended with a small 3 minutes of play played by four children Saloni, Alayana, Aaryan and Braxton called “ THREE DOLLARS WOTH OF GOD” .
I would like to buy $3 worth of God, please.
Not enough to explode my soul or disturb my sleep,
but just enough to equal a cup of warm milk
or a snooze in the sunshine.
I don’t want enough of God to make me love a black man
or pick beets with a migrant.
I want ecstasy, not transformation.
I want warmth of the womb, not a new birth.
I want a pound of the Eternal in a paper sack.
I would like to buy $3 worth of God, please.
— Wilbur Rees
Please find below pictures of the above event taken by Robinson Jones, Johnson MClin, Raj Macwan & Hensu Macwan. Thank you for your service. 

Bishop Checchio has designated the week of October 6-13 as our Diocesan “Week of the Rosary.”

Bishop Checchio has designated the week of October 6-13 as our Diocesan “Week of the Rosary.” During this week, all people of the diocese, young and old alike, are encouraged to pray the Rosary daily, confident that her intercession directs us to her Son, Jesus, and our call to discipleship.  What better way to show our love for the Blessed Mother?

We begin our Week of the Rosary on October 6th which is Respect Life Sunday. This is a day when people from across the Diocese will join others from across the nation to take part in Life Chain, a peaceful, prayerful, public witness in support of the sanctity of all human life.  This is an opportunity for us to pray to the Queen of Mercy, rosary in hand, for all those babies lost to abortion and for all those in our society who are vulnerable.
October 7th marks the Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary. Here at Church of the Sacred Heart, the Rosary will be prayed at the Marian shrine after the 7 pm. On this day and the days that follow, let us meditate on the mysteries of our salvation as we ask her to set our hearts on fire as we prepare to be consecrated to her maternal care.
On Saturday October 12th, after the 9 am Mass, please join us outside to pray the International Rosary – the Rosary prayed in different languages – highlighting our unity in turning to our Blessed Mother.
Our Week of the Rosary will culminate on Sunday, October 13th, which is the 102nd anniversary of the Fatima Miracle of the Sun.  Let us pray in solidarity with people across the country who will gather for Rosary rallies coast to coast ( begging for the return of our nation to God and to holiness.
Together, let us pray that an ever increasing number of faithful turn to Mary as a means of growing closer to our Lord.  Mother of the Americas and Star of the New Evangelization, pray for us!