Agnelo Free Marriage Services, India


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Sr. Den Profile Age MF Job Pay Rs.
1 RC B.E.   Electrical   Engineer,   M.S.   Software
Engineer holding H1 Viza
22/10/84 M USA
2 RC 12th comm., GNM Nurse, 50 kg, 5’2” 8/5/87 F
3 RC 12th Std. 51%, ITI of 3 years 67%, C.N.C. and
VMC machine operator   since five years as
C.N.C. and V.M.C. operator 5’5”, 55 kg
9/11/83 M Y 6,000+
6 RC M.A.  Part-I,  B.A.  B.Ed.  (Eng.)  from  Guj
Univ,   M.B.A.   in   London,   5’4”   55   kg
11/2/83 F Y London
7 Meth SSC  since  wife passed  away,  he is healthy
person and having own house.
9/4/41 M Y USA
8 RC PTC, BA last year left.  Job: Primary Teacher
57 kg kg, 5’7”
12/10/81 M Y 19,000
11 Meth 12th   Arts,  ITI  (Electronics  Mechanic),  Auto
Electrician  of  one  year  course M.S.  Office,
5’5”, 55 kg (Divorcee)
5/12/77 M Y 2,500+
12 Meth B.A. (Eco), English M.S. Office and Screen
Printing  Course,  Art  work  knowledge, cooking, gardening, interior decorator, music, drawing, travelling, one bro. (divorcee), 5’5”,
55 kg
11/5/74 F Nil
13 Prot B.Com. 5’8”, 60 kg, nice look 19/9/80 F Y 6 L/annum
16 RC B.A. (English), M.S.W. (72%), Job: Office In
charge.   Color:   whitish,   Hobbies:   reading
books, watching movies. 5’6”, 50 kg.
26/2/85 F Y
17 RC B.Com.   M.B.A.   (Finance)   University   of
Wales  Institute  Cardiff,  UK.  Working  with
Somerfield PLC UK as Manager 5’3”, 55 kg.
15/10/83 M Y London
18 RC Diploma   in   Hospital   Admn   Mang   M.S.
University.    Gujarat Council Registration Diploma  GNM  and  Midwifery  from Karnataka. 5’3”, 55 kg
18/11/85 M Y
19 RC F.Y.B.Com.   GNM   from   Bangalore,   Job:
Hospital, 6’ height, 85 kg,
16/10/84 M Y 7,500
24 RC SSCpass, Check post Quant he is from Borsad
29 M Y 10,000
26 RC 12th Comm., B.Com. IInd year completed, ITI
Dasarath Institute two years course, Diploma IT,   Advance Diploma IT, and Bachelor IT Sydeny.   Job: Food Service Asstt. In  Govt. Hospital, Crew Member McDonald.   67 kg,
22/11/82 M Y 70,000
27 RC PTC,  SYBA  (Guajarati)  (BPNA  IIIrd  year
exam has to be given) Job: Teacher,  50 kg
23/11/78 F Y 16,500
29 RC FYBA   pass,   Computer   Teachers   Training
Course of one year.  Job: Computer Teacher,
5’5”, 50 kg
19/1/86 F Y 1500
30 RC B.Com. PGDCA from MS University contd.,
Computer Teacher Training Course, 45 kg, 5’
24/8/84 F Y 6,000
31 RC B.C.A. and M.C.A., both completed from SP
Univ. (please check % in B.C.A. and M.C.A.), Job: IT Dept. as SEO Expert, 5’6”, 65 kg
11/6/85 M Y 7,000
32 RC PTC and BA (Guj) 5’5”, 55 kg, 15/6/82 M Y 20,000
33 RC B.Ed. & M.A.  (Eng.  Lit.),  11TH  AND 12TH
Std. Teacher, 5’5”, 70 kg
12/7/77 M Y 4,500
34 RC B.A.   (Hindi)   63%,   B.A.(Sanskrit)   60%,
5’4”,45 kg
14/3/84 F
36 RC 12th   comm.  82%,  PTC  pass,  Adv  Dip  A/c,
Adv. Community and welfare course.   5’6”,
70 kg
8/12/83 16,000
37 RC M.A., Sec Course, now at Sydney, Australia.
5’5”, 55 kg
5/9/82 F Y Australian
38 Meth B.E. (E.C.) 2/7/86 M Y 16,000
39 CNI 12th  Comm.  50%,  Auxiliary Nurse Midwife
Course, Job: P.H.C. 47 kg, 5’2”
1/3/77 F Y 12,000
40 CNI 12th   Arts,  5’5”,  45  kg,  one  year  course  in
30/12/81 F Y 7,000
41 Sal M.A. M. Library P.G. Librarian, 5’4”, 55 kg 18/11/74 F Y 5,000
42 Meth PTC 12th Arts.  Job: Teacher, 55 kg, 5’4” 3/8/70 F Y 23,000
43 Meth B.Com.    Ist    class    honors,    Diploma    in
Marketing  and  Sales  Management  (Comp.). Tally A/cs Job: NGO Accountant.  75 kg, 5’7”
11/12/53 M Y 6,000
46 RC M.Phil Ist class, P.G.D.C.A. AISECT-IGNU.
Hobbies: Reading and cricket, 5’5”, 50 kg
14/9/84 M Y 2,500
47 Meth MA 56%, 12th  Science (70%), P.T.C. G-SAT
pass/NET  twice.    Job:  Primary  Teacher  at
Zilla Panchayat, 48 kg, 5’5”
19/5/85 F Y 17,000
49 Meth 12th    Science   (66%),   BPNA   from   Gujarat
Govt.  Job: Dakor CHC since February 2010,
50 kg, 5’5”
1/4/89 F Y 11,000
50 RC 12th Comm. 2 years course in Computer, Sneh
Dhara   course   of   one   year,   VV   Nagar, Animation Course of six months, 5’5”, 50 kg
29/9/86 M Y 15,000
51 RC 10th    pass  and  doing  nursing  course,  Job:
Isarael, 5’6’, 55 kg
1/1/1986 F Y 60,000
54 RC B.Com.  Accountancy,  one  year  Secretarial course   of   one   year   Diploma,   course   in
Software Application. Job: Promotional Asstt. P&T Deptt. 52 kg, 5’2”.
22/11/82 F Y 10,000
55 RC 12TH Std. P.T.C., Job: Teacher, 50 kg 5’5”. 15/6/82 M Y 17,000
56 Meth SSC pass. Screen printing owner as well, 5’5”,
50  kg.    Besides  this  salary  he  earns  from screen printing. (Divorcee)
29/12/81 M Y 4,000
57 RC SSC  pass  in  March  1992,  ITI  (Attendant
Operator)  Chemical  Plant  (A.O.C.P.)  in  the year July 1994, Job: GIDC (Divorcee), 5’5”,
55 kg.
1/8/74 M Y 5,000
58 Meth B.A.  (English)  B  Ed.  (1st)  Distinction,  At
present doing Master’s in Education (M.Ed.)
from J.G. College, 52 kg, 5’2”.
25/10/83 M
59 RC BA (Guj./Hindi), ITI Diesel Mechanic from
Palana,  Job: as Supply Supervisor  – 60 kg,
5’5” (Divorcee within 15 days)
29/11/82 M Y 7,000 +
60 RC B.Com. PGDCA (Post Graduate Diploma in 25/3/81 F Y 6,000
Computer Application) Steno cum Computer
Operator   (English)  COPA  (Computer Operator cum Programming Assistant) DTP (Desk Top Publishing) FAS (Financial Accounting System), Tally Typing (Engagement broken)
61 Prof. B.E     (Electronics     and     Communication),
Present Job: Software in Infosys, 70 kg, 5’3”,
07-08-84 F Y USA
62 Prof. B.A.  and  Y.W.A.M.  church  activities,  Job: Dist. Coordinator in Seva Bharat, 5’9”, 72 kg.
23/11/77 M Y 10,000
64 Meth B.Sc. Nursing 1970 F Y 25,000
65 RC B.Com., from Guj. Univt. works at Chemical
Co., in Accounts Dept., 5’6”, 55 kg
27/4/70 M Y 8,000
66 RC B.A.   and   Secretarial   course   form   Loyala
Centre, 5’1”, 50 kg
19/8/75 F Y 9,000
68 Sal Hospitality Management, 5’5”,  60 kg 25/2/84 M Y 5,000
69 Sal B.  B.  A.,  M.B.A.  IGNOU  (Cont..)  Present
Job: Purchase Deptt., 55Kgs. , Height : 165cm
2/12/82 M Y 20,000
70 RC M.Pharm.(Quality Assurance) from NIMMS,
Mumbai  (Parle),  hobbies:  trained  in  Bharat
Natyaam dancing.  5’2”, 57 kg
5/9/86 F Y
71 RC 10th Std. 6’4”, 60 kg school books shop owner 1986 M Y 15,000+
72 RC B.Com.¸Weight 58 Height 5″4’ 23/6/84 F
74 Prot B.Com.   Job:   Travels   and   Share   Broker,
Hobbies: Chess, Cricket, Snooker, Travelling, earnings Rs. 20,000/- +, 5’9”, 55 kg,
16/10/81 M Y 20,000
75 RC BA  (Psychology)  BPNA  Nursing  (General
Nursing and Midwives), 60kg, 164cm,
28/03/80 M Y 10,300
76 Pent M.A. , B.ED (English Lit.) throughout English
medium from L.K.G Present Job: English Medium School as TGT English  (CBS), 60 kg, 5’
15/4/82 F Y 15,000 +
77 Meth Education from    Mount    Carmel    Convent,
Bachelor   of   Arts   with   English   literature (India), Bachelor  of Education  with  English (India), PGDCA in IT from (London), she was in  London  since  September  2006  to  June
2010.  working  as  a  Business  Development
Manager, Immigration Consultancy,  A’bad ,
5’5”, 60 kg
3/2/80 F Y 15,000
78 Meth Mech.  Engr.  From  California  State  Univ at
Long  Beach,  Present  Job:A/cs  Executive  at
Sharp  Business  Systems,  82  kg,    156  cm,
14/2/80 M Y 3,500 pm
79 RC HSC, 5’5”, 60 kg, Rs. 3,500/- 1963 M Y 3,500
80 Meth/RC B.Com.  (Statistics),  MBA  (marketing)  from
Ahmedabad (throughout English medium) (highest in  statistics in  G.U.) Working as a Senior Manager (Analytic Consultant), 5’2.5”,
52 kg,
10/3/83 F Y 1.5L
81 RC 12th       (Comm)     PTC    Passed     in     2002,
Government  teacher  for  five  years,  Last  3 years in Australia Perth for Further study in Advance diploma in Accountancy and Communication and Welfare, 5’ 9”, 70 Kegs,.
8/12/83 M Y Australia
82 RC B.Com.,    PGDCA    from    MS    University,
Computer Teacher Training Course, 45 kg, 5’
24/8/84 F
83 RC M.A. B.Ed. Guj./Sanskrit 1/1/68 M Y 7,000
85 Meth (1)  Diploma    (Mech    Engr.),    Divorce
through  Family  Court.  5’  8”  72kg
(twice married)
(2)  M.Sc. (Micro biology) 5’8”, 55kg
(3)  BPNA, 5’, 50 kg
(4)  PTC B.A. M.A. PGDCA (5)  B.Sc. Nurse, BPNA




Y 1 lac
87 RC B.A.,  PG  Diploma  Marketing  Management
(ICFAI),  Reliance  Capital,     Branch  Sales
Manager in Construction Equipment Finance.
5’5” 55kg
27/9/85 M Y 25,000
88 RC B.A.,  M.A.,  and  B.Ed.  (throughout  English
Med.), teacher, working in Missionary School, Hobbies: Listening music and singing, nature: fair homely loving and well cultured family.
5’5”, 50 kg.
3/1/87 F Y
89 RC B. E (Comp), CCNA, CCNP, MCSE Status,
Working in Bangalore, Height 4 ft 11 inches
Weight – 44 Kgs,
16/10/78 F Y
90 Alli S.S.C (67%), H.S.C (60%), B.A. (Psychology)
(56%)       C.C.C       (58.75%),       P.G.D.C.A (56.70%),5’6” 64 kg ,
28/3/87 M Y
91 RC B.Sc. B.Ed. (Maths), 40 kg, 5’4” 29/5/83 F Y 5,400
92 RC B.Com.    LLB,    IRPM,    DLP    from    M.S.
University, 5’2”, 50 kg.
15/6/78 F Y 10,000+
93 RC B.Com. one year Purchase Management MS
University, 5’6”, 50 kg.,
16/9/83 M Y 40,000
94 Meth MS (Health) and Social Care Mgt, from UK.,
PG Certificate in Managing Health and Social Care, from UK.   Registered Nurse and Mid- wife job in a reputed Hospital, 5’2”, 54 kg.
15/8/87 F Y UK
95 RC B.A. (Hindi), 5’2”, 45 kg. 29/10/77 F Y 6,000
97 RC 12th  Comm., GNM Bangalore in 2005, 6’3”,
68 kg.
22/8/81 M Y Canada
98 RC 30/5/1975, 5’.2”, 47 kg.    M. Com., B.Com.,
Diploma Computer Applications
30/5/75 F Y 7,500
100 RC MCA Software Engineer, 4’7”, 42 kg 18/12/84 F Y 2.8
102 RC M.A. B.Ed. Eng., 55 kg, 5’2” 14/1/85 F Y 3,500
105 RC IT A/cs, 12th  and two years college, 5’8”, 55
22/11/82 M Y Sydeny
106 RC B.E. (Electronics engineer), M.Tech. contd. 27/8/90 F Y 25,000
107 CNI B.Com., Central Govt. job, 6’, 60 kg 29/11/82 M Y 22,000
108 Sal Diploma in Mech. Engineer, 12th  Sci., 5’6”,
55 kg
14/4/86 M Y 25,000
110 RC B.E. (Mech) M.Sc. (Environmental Pollution
Control) Middlesex University (UK),  5’5”, 65
21/8/76 M Y 45,000
111 Meth HSC passed, 65 kg, 5’3”,  (divorcee twice) 11/4/69 M Y 22,000
112 RC SSC  passed, 5’3”, 40 kg, 26/9/82 F Y 2,000
113 RC BA Job: Asst Consultant, 5’5” 50 kg 25/12/72 M Y 7,000
114 Alli M.Com., 5’4”,  60 kg 26/12/81 F Y
115 Alli ITI automobiles, Job: owner of Motor garage
and transport owner in school business, 5’5”,
55 kg
12/4/80 M Y 20,000
116 RC M.S.W. 5’4”, 52 kg. 15/10/85 F Y 6,000
117 RC B.A.  M.A  (Guj),  H.R.D.  Disaster  Manager
Course, Certificate in Child Care, Pre P.T.C,
5’5”, 55 kg
13/9/78 F Y 14,000
118 RC B.Com.,   Advance   Diploma   in   Computer
Application, 5’9”, 75 kg.
4/12/79 M Y 35,000
120 RC Computer Engineer, 5’2”, 50 kg, 1986 F
121 RC M.A. B.Ed. (English/Gujarati), 5’5” 55 kg 1984 M Y 10,000
122 RC MBA appeared in first year, B.Sc. computer
Science with first class, PTC, 62 kg, 168cms,
20/9/85 M Y 5,300
123 RC BPNA from Maharashtra, 5’5”, 45 kg 25/2/87 F Y 6,500
124 CNI 12th Science, BPT (Physiotherapist) 5’4” ½ 16/9/87 F Y
125 RC B.Com., Tally, 5’6”, 55 kg, Oct. 82 F Y
126 RC 12th   Science,  B.E.  (Electrical),  5’4”,  60  kg,
London return
14/8/83 F Y
127 RC M.A. B.Ed. Govt. job. 27 M Y 9,000
128 Meth B.Sc. (60%), Laboratory course, 53 kg, 5’9” 5/4/83 M Y Newzealand
130 RC M.A. B.Ed. 5’5”, 60 kg 8/8/82 M Y 23,000
131 RC MSW BA, 5’7”, 95 kg   Job: Social worker,
22/12/72 M Y 10,500
132 CNI/RC Bachelor  of  Architecture,  MS  from  Kansas
State  University,     Job:  Archited  at  BRR Architecture since June 2008, 75 kg, 5’11”
29/10/81 M Y USA
133 RC 12th pass, tailoring govt. course, 45 kg, 5’2” 19/3/74 F Y
134 Meth 10th   pass  12th   failed,  Diploma  Comp  Engr
B&B Poly Tech, 5’5”, 55 kg
20/10/86 F
135 RC 12th, B.Com., 5’5”, 60 kg 1/12/79 M Y 10,000
136 RC 10th, 12th, Diploma Mech Engr. 30/9/85 M Y 10,000
137 RC BA, B.Ed., 5’5”, 55 kg 23/4/77 F Y
139 RC 26/7/1984,   M.A.,  B.Ed. (English), Shikshan
Sahayak (Hr. Sec. Teacher), since December
2008, Job:  Higher Sec. School, (Govt. Aided)
26/7/84 M Y 10,000
140 RC M.C.A. B.Com. (62%) H.S.C. 75.17% from
St.  Xavier’s  Higher  Secondary  School  and SSC 80.14% Networking, Client/Server Computing, Software Eng., System Analysis and Design, Artifical Intelligence, 5’5” 50 kg
29/8/84 F Y Nil
141 RC B.A. (Guj), Secretary course 2.5 years from
Loyala, Job: Hospital, 50 kg, 5’2”
31/7/76 F Y 7,000
142 RC B.Com.   two   years   E-commerce   computer
course, Job:  Isarael, 5’5”, 70 kg. engagement broken.
21/4/83 M Y 55,000
143 RC 30/3/1983, 5’5”, 75 kg Master of tourism and
Admn specialization in cargo
30/3/83 F Y 1.30/moth
144 RC Dip Mec., B.E. (Mech), 5’5”, 60 kg. 31/10/83 M Y 15,000
145 RC 12th pass, BPNA from Hyderabad 29/3/89 F
146 Meth SSC 35 M Y 5,000
147 Prot M.Com.   5’2”,   65   kg,   Job:   Working   as
Account Assistant in Hospital.
3/11/77 F Y 15,000
148 RC B.A. B.Ed. Job: School 3/12/82 F Y 5,000
149 RC MSW (Divorcee) 16/4/82 F Y 10,000
150 RC MSW  BA (Eng.),  IRPM,  Dip.  In  Off Mgt.
Job: Executive (PR)
23/6/81 M Y 15,000
151 Meth BE (IC), GNFC, 5’6”, 55 kg 28/4/89 M Y 47,000
152 Meth BPNA from Gujarat, 12th Science, 5’5”, 55 kg 24/6/88 F Y 10,000
153 RC B.Com., 62 kg, 5’3”, (Manglorean) 1/9/77 M Y 25,000
154 RC M.A., PTC, Job: Mamlatdar 3/11/83 F Y 25,000
156 RC PTC and BA 15/6/82 M Y 20,000
157 RC BPNA, 12th Std., 5’5”, 50 kg 29/4/84 F Y
158 RC 12th  Science, B.D.S from Rajiv Gandhi Univ,
B’glore, Job: Tutor, 52 kg, 5’
12/5/88 F Y 10,000
159 RC B.E. (Electrical Engineering) (Twice divorcee
and has 6 years old daughter), 70 kg, 5’7”
23/1/75 M Y 42,000
160 RC M.C.A., B.Com. Job: Bank 31/12/83 M Y 17,000
161 Meth B.Sc.   (Micro),   studies  throughout   English
medium, DCA, Lab Technician course, M.dv.
Pastoral course of three years, 67 kg, 4’11”
3/8/75 F Y 8,000
162 RC B.E. (IC), did M.S. from USA, he is in USA
now,   he   has   Canada   visa   too,   he   is   a handsome and gentle boy.   Good match for good girl.  80 kg, 6’
8/2/83 M Y Handsome
package in
163 Meth BE   (IC)   (First),   MS   Computer   (Perdue
Univsersity) Ist class, USA, since 2001, 5’6”,
60 kg
12/6/79 M Y
164 Meth 12th Std., Diploma Engr. as Sr. Engineer 22/11/87 20,000
165 Meth B.Sc. and MIS from Australia 1981 M
166 Meth B.Com. MBA 1984 F
167 RC BBA, Job: as Manager (HR) 10/10/85 M Y 15,000
168 Hindu MS  (Food  Science/SDSU,   USA);   B.Tech.
(Dairy Technology);  Worked  as  Senior Officer Present Job: Technical Lab Assistant at SDSU, USA Weight 64kgs, Height 5.7” (engagement broken)
16/5/83 M Y $ 64,000
169 RC MBA   (HR),   BE   (Software   Engineering),
B.Com., MCA left in one year, 5’5”, 70 kg.
3/5/76 M
170 RC M.Sc.       (Organic       Chemistry),       B.Sc.
(Chemistry), Job: Taiwan, Taipei as Research Asstt.) doing P.hd. 5’6”, 65 kg, (he is in Taiwan).
15/12/87 M Y 60,000
171 RC MBBS (MS) 5’5”, 75 kg (Divorcee) 38 + M Y Good perks
172 RC B.Com., CA and CFA (Accounts), 5’5”, 70 kg 1978 M Y USA
173 RC M.A.    (ELT)    H.R.M,    Profession:    Media
(ENIL), Hobbies: Music,Reading,Sports.
21/4/83 M Y 40,000
174 RC SSC,  Gateman  –  Railway  –  Central  Govt.
weight-65 kg. height-5′.8″
17/7/84, M Y 15,00
175 Meth BPNA  from  VS  Hospital,  Job:  Staff  Nurse
23/8/85 F Y 15,000
176 RC B.Com., Job: Pvt. Office, height 4’5”, 35 kg 28/12/84 F Y 6,000
177 RC M.Sc. (Organic Chem), Job: QC Officer, Ltd.
13/8/85 M Y 15,000
178 RC GNM   from   Bangalore,   12th    Comm.   Job:
Medisearch Hospital, 5.63 cm, 56 kg,
17/5/87 M Y 8,500
179 Meth B.Com., M.Com., MBA (Marketing) Job: SBI
Bank, PMS as Asst. 6”, 70 kg,
14/9/83 M Y 22,000
180 RC B.Pharm from India and Doctorate degree in
pharmacy (Pharm D) Wheatish color
23/4/85 F Y USA
181 RC B.E in Biomedical Engineering, from USA (
Final Semester), 5’ 7” 63 kg,
31/12/88 M Y USA
183a RC M.A. B.Ed. (Eng.), Asstt. Professor (English),
Govt. College, 5’4”, 55 kg,
1974 F Y 25,000
183b RC M.A. B.Ed. (Eng.), Asstt. Professor (English),
Govt. College, 5’4”, 55 kg,
1974 F Y 25,000
183c RC MCA 1982 M Y 20,000
184 RC B.Ed   SS,   Eng.,   M.Phil   (Sociology),   MA
(Sociology), BA (Sociology) (Double Graduation) BA (English) Asst. Teacher: Maths, English and Social Science.   5’5”, 50 kg
25/6/83 M Y 15,000
185 RC BA first class, MA B.Ed. Assistant Teacher,
5’5”, 55 kg,
29/6/74 F Y 3,000
186 Meth BCA from DDIT, MIT from Australia James
Cook University, Bridgeband, 5’5”, 60 kg
13/11/85 M Y Aust
187 RC 5’7”, 12th GNM, Male Nurse from Bangalore 6/1/87 M Y
188 CNI SSC Divorcee 22/12/67 M Y 3,000
189 RC B.Com. and computer courses, 5’5”, 55 kg 1977 F Y 8,000
190 Meth MBBS from Russia, 12th Science, 50 kg, 5’3”
She is interested in abroad proposals
14/12/84 F Y 15,000
191 RC BSW with first class and GNM, 5’5”, 60 kg,
fair looking
1/3/85 M study
192 RC 12th Science, BPNA Job: Hospital, Karamsad,
4’7”, 37 kg.
6/6/77 F Y 23,000
193 Sal 12th  pass, two years nursing course, 5’2”, 40
10/2/88 F Y 6,000
194 CNI 12th   Std.  and  doing  Multimedia  Animation
like     graphics,     web    designing,     2D/3D
animation, 5’5”, 55 kg.
15/6/88 M Y 6,000
195 CNI B.Com., E-business with first from VV Nagar,
hobbies dancing, singing, travelling.   5”, 48
8/9/89 F Y 8,000
196 Meth HSC GNM English medium from Bangalore,
Job: Staff Nurse in Govt. Hospital contract for
11 months.  5’4”, 60 kg
16/12/82 F Y 11,000
197 CNI ITI   Electrical   from   NCVT,   Diploma   in
Computer Hardware, 5’7”, 55kg
19/7/85 M Y 7,000
198 CNI SSC, ITI, 5’9”, 52 kg, 4/1/68 M Y 15,000
199 RC BA PGDCA software programming, hardware
and networking. 5’5”, 62 kg
18/9/81 M Y 5000
200 RC BPNA, 4’9”, 50 kg, 31/12/88 F Y 12,000
201 RC M.Sc. (Bio-Tech), B.Sc., 5’1”, 52 kg 12/9/90 F N
202 RC 12th BA, PTC, M.A. B.Ed. (English), 5’3”, 50
17/8/86 F Y 11,000
203 CNI B.Com.  MBA PGDC (Finance), 5’9” 70kg 19/11/81 M Y 50,000
204 CNI B.Pharm., 5’7” 67 kg 12/5/78 M Y 50,000
205 Meth B.Com. first year  left, he was photographer
and computer repairing work, 5’6”, 65 kg,
17/5/84 M Y 95,000
206 RC Goan M.Sc. MBA, Job: Citi Bank, 5’7”, 65 kg 3/5/83 M Y 31,000
207 RC B.Sc. Nursing, Job: Tuitor, 5’3”, 48 kg 8/11/86 F Y 11,000
208 Sal BPNA Nurse, Doploma in Nursing Mgt.from
13/11/79 F Y
209 Meth M.Com. passed, 5’8”, 60 kg, as an Auditor 17/2/87 M Y 12,000
210 Meth B. Sc (Chemistry) PGDCA, 5’ 10”, 130 Lbs., 26/10/75 M Y USA
211 RC BE   (Electrical   Engr),   Diploma   from   MS
Unv5’6”, 65 kg,
18/1/88 M Y 17,000
212 RC 12th Art, Diploma Electronics, ITI, 6’, 55kg, 10/8/82 M Y 15,000
213 RC 12th    Arts,   B.C.A.,   (IBM  diploma   course)
International  Business  Management  course. Toronto, 65 kg, 5.9,
30/9/87 M Y Canada
214 RC Diploma  electronics  and  communication,  B.
Tech (E/C), working as a Lecturer, permanent job,
16/10/86 M Y 25,000
5’8”, 70 kg.
216 RC M.Sc.    (Agri)    (Horticulture),    PG    from
Australia, he is on PR, 5’5”, 55 kg,
5/7/81 M Y Australia
217 RC B.Com., computer courses like hardware, 65
kg, 5’.5”
1/12/87 M Y 8,000
218 Meth 12th and  G.N.M, Job Staff Nurse 5/10/76 F Y 17,000
219 RC PTC, B.A. (English), MSW, 5’5”, 50 kg 8/7/89 F
220 RC B.Com.,  Secretarial  course  from  Mirzapur,
Job: Pvt. Co., 46 kg, 5’2”
11/11/83 F Y 12,500
221 RC B.Sc. B.Ed. (Maths), 79 kg, 5’10” 10/9/69 M Y 20,000
222 RC M.A.  B.Ed. (English),  DTP,  PG Hospitality
Tourism  UK.     Job  teacher  in  an  English
medium school, 5’5”, 50 kg
29/9/81 F Y 8,000
223 RC M.Sc. (Maths), B.Ed. TAT exam cleared, Job:
Higher Secondary School, 60 kg, 5’10
18/9/83 M Y 8,000
224 RC M.Sc.   (Phy),   M.Phil,   M.Tech.),   Research
Associate, 55 kg, 5’2”
27/8/84 F Y 25,000
226 RC B.Sc. (Phy), M.A. (Journalism), 48 kg, 5’2” 31/3/82 F
227 RC M.A. B.Ed. (Guj), PGD Comp Appl, 5’2”, 60
8/5/80 F
228 RC 12th Comm CNC M/c, Diploma Mech 5’5”, 60
11/9/80 M Y 6,000
229 RC MCA, B.Com. 30/7/88 F Y 15,000
230 RC B.E. (I/c) 29/6/90 F Y 7,000
231 Prot 12th        Comm.,     Diploma     AIT     (Applied
Information  Technology)  from  APTECH  2 years, Multi Media Animation degree course,
5’6”, 65 kg
24/11/85 M Y 14,000
232 CNI B.Com., MBA (HRM) Eng. Med., 5’6”, 50
24/11/84 M Y Canada
233 RC 12th Science, 5’5”, 50 kg, 13/5/81 M Y 35,000
234 RC B.Sc. B.Ed. (Maths), PGDBF from Symbiosis, Pune Job: in Bank 5’4”, 60 kg 4/3/84 M Y 18000
235 RC ITI Electrician and Diploma, 60kg, 5’5” 9/12/84 M Y 8,000
236 Pro HSC, ITI (App L&T 2003), 5’6”, 69 kg 29/10/85 M Y 2,50,000/pa
237 RC/Hindu BE Computer Engineer, , 5’7”, 63 kg 23/10/85 M Y 8 lac/pa
238 RC M.A. B.Ed. (English), 5’1”, 55 kg 14/1/85 M Y
239 RC 12th     Science,   Diploma   in   Hardware   and
Networking from ITC, 5’9”, 55 kg
16/7/85 M Y 60,000
240 RC GNM  and  working  with  corporate  hospital
(Divorcee 8 year son)
13/8/77 F Y 10,000
241 Prot B.Com.       English       medium,       Advance
Information  Technology,  Post  Graduate  in
Dialysis Technician. , 5’3”, 52 kg
24/7/81 F Y
242 RC B.A.  (Eng/Eco)  BEd.  M.A.  final  pursing,
advanced  (Eng/Social  Science),   Tally  7.2, Hotel Management one year
10/1/87 M Y 13,500
243 RC B.Com.,  Diploma  in  Community  Welfare,
65kg 5’5”
12/2/82 M Y 15,000
244 RC ITI    Fiter,    Master    of    Cam    and    CNC
Technology, 65kg, 5’10”
10/5/83 M Y 16,000
245 RC M.A. B.Ed. PTC, throughout English medium,
5’, 50 kg
8/9/87 F Y 20,000
246 RC B.Com., M. Com. ECIT.  E Craft Computer
19/1/80 F Y
247 RC St. Xavier college, A’bad, diploma GNM and
mid wife
28/3/80 M Y 14,000
248 Meth GNM 65 kg, 5’9’ job in a reputed hospital 18/8/81 M Y 12,000
249 RC MCA, Job: Elite Core, 5’6”, 60 kg 8/3/85 M Y 25,000
250 RC Soft ware Engineer and working in Canada,
5’9”, 60 kg he is on work permit
16/3/86 M Y
251 RC BPNA govt. job 19/9/87 F Y 8,000
252 RC Divorce – HSC, PTC, working in Travel dept.
in Hyderabad
32 F Y 18,000
253 RC B.E. (Computer) and MBA from USA, 5’2”,
55 kg
2/6/86 F Y
254 RC MBA  USA  BA  (Eco),  diploma  in  music,
secretarial    course,    diploma   in    computer application, web page designing, 59kg  5’3”
14/10/79 M Y 4,500/pa
255 RC Sound  Engineer  (I  did  Diploma  in  sound
engineering after dropping my B.Tech degree so technically i did it after 12th  i wasted 2.5 years in B.Tech.), 5’10”, 95 kg
30/4/89 M Y 30,000
256 RC M.Pharm 5/8/88 M
257 RC M.Sc. (Bio-tech) 19/8/90 F
258 RC 12th   Comm.,  Hotel  Management  USA  5’5”,
23/6/89 M Y
259 RC Diploma in business from USA (Incomplete)
Diploma  &  Advance  diploma  in  business management from UK, 5’11”, 70 kg
16/11/86 M
260 RC HSC,    Diploma    Multi    Web    Designing
17/10/80 M Y 9,000
261 RC BA MS Univ, Diploma in Sanitary Inspector
Medical Representative. 5’8”, 65kg
19/1/86 M Y 25,000
262 RC B.Com., MS Unv. And MSW SP Unv.5’5”,
2/4/88 F Y 12,000
263 RC HSC presently he is in Isarael since few years 18/10/77 M Y 50,000
264 RC MD, MBBS divorcee 1977 M Y Good salary
265 RC H1 BE (Electrical) Engineer 1978 M Y in $
266 RC 5’3”, 63 kg, 12th , Science, Dentist from A’bad
Civil Hospital
13/2/88 F Y 12,000
267 RC BBA and MBA 25/7/87 M Y 25,000
268 RC MD, MBBS (Anasthesia) 27/9/84 F Y 83,000
269 RC M.A (E L T) H.R.M, Media (E NIL) 2/1/83 M Y 40,000
270 Meth SSC, Diploma Civil Engineer 8/5/85 M Y Business
271 RC BE Computer, Job: Network Engineer 3/11/86 M Y 17,000

5 thoughts on “Agnelo Free Marriage Services, India”

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