Tag Archives: International Commission for Dalit Rights

ICforDalitRights invites to join The Global March against Caste-based Discrimination in Washington DC



Dear friends,


The International Commission for Dalit Rights is holding a march in Washington DC. on June 21 from 4-6 pm, ending at the White House. You can find out about it at their website http://www.icdrintl.org/So far those of us going are making our own travel arrangements.


The bill we discussed, House resolution #566,  was introduced by Eleanor Holmes Norton. Please ask people to call their representatives and request that they vote for the bill. If we have further action planned I will let you know. https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/113/hres566/text.


I invite your  prayers and response for the  Rights of Dalits in India.


Rev.Jacob Philip