Tag Archives: Handwritten Gujarati Bible

Handwritten Gujarati Bible was inaugurated at Centenary Methodist Church, Vadodara on March 26, 2017.

Handwritten Gujarati Bible was inaugurated at Centenary Methodist Church, Vadodara on March 26, 2017. 

Greetings to all, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Today, the 26th of March, was marked historic for the whole Methodist congregation of Vadodara and especially, The Centenary Methodist Church, as the first of its kind, The Gujarati Hand Written Bible was inaugurated in today’s worship service by Honourable Bishop N.L Karkare. The Bible was written by 500 God loving members of various Gujarati churches of Vadodara and put together by the hard working members of the Editorial Committee, under the leadership of District Superintendent as well as various dedicated pastors of Vadodara. 

This historic Bible weighs a total of 26 kilograms and consists of approximately 1200 pages which were written in three phases, the sessions for which were held in Webb Memorial Girls’ High School.

The Lord’s ultimate help and love and the presence of the Holy Spirit made it possible for the writers and the management committee to develop this unique Bible.

Centenary Methodist Church-Facebook Page Admin, Zubin Macwan.

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